Part of the Furniture
Just a FYI. The YouTube yt_blacklist is updated with the following check interval:
A cron job triggers yt-blocking.div every minute. It will read in the /tmp/div_yt_count file which says where the count is at (use cat /tmp/div_yt_count to see where it's at).
The update code in yt-blocking.div will only run when the couter is at [0-9]|1[0-9]|20|25|30|40|55.
So every minute if the counter is 0-20, then at 25, 30, 40 and 55 counts. At 70 it will get set to 30 to start again from there.
In every case, if at one of these count points a new domain is found, the counter gets set back to 1.
A cron job triggers yt-blocking.div every minute. It will read in the /tmp/div_yt_count file which says where the count is at (use cat /tmp/div_yt_count to see where it's at).
The update code in yt-blocking.div will only run when the couter is at [0-9]|1[0-9]|20|25|30|40|55.
So every minute if the counter is 0-20, then at 25, 30, 40 and 55 counts. At 70 it will get set to 30 to start again from there.
In every case, if at one of these count points a new domain is found, the counter gets set back to 1.