I have an AC86U. With 11_2 I could get the server running using just the default settings. With 12.0 I first tried the defaults on both Server 1 and Server 2. I then tried various custom configurations suggested by other posters on this site. The only thing I didn't try was generating my own certificates. Finally got the router so screwed up I had to totally erase the NVRAM, reset to factory defaults, reboot, etc and finally revert to 11_2 where everything is working just fine again with the defaults.
With the defaults not working for you, I think it may not be fully reset then?
No issues at all on many, many RT-AC68U's, RT-AC86U's, RT-AC3100's when I demo what the Asus DDNS + OpenVPN Server can do for some of the more tech capable customers.
If there were issues, it was errors in set up, not with the router.
Since you're familiar with my reset guides, let me give a quick overview once again of the order I recommend to ensure it is as fully erased as possible with no remnants lingering anywhere:
Follow the suggested order and o
nly do what is indicated below.
- Remove all Ethernet LAN and WAN cables from the router.
- Remove all USB drives and any other USB peripherals too (including any USB fans to cool off the unit).
- Flash to the latest firmware (RMerlin 384.12_0 in this example) if you haven't already, after double checking the sha256sum.sha256 hash for a non-corrupted download.
- Pull the power plug from the router (and not the AC power adaptor from the wall socket). Wait 2 minutes.
- Perform a WPS NVRAM Erase.
- Perform a quick/temporary Wizard Setup to get to the advanced settings.
- Perform a full reset to factory defaults including checking the box to 'Initialize all settings...' too.
- Perform a quick/temporary Wizard Setup to get to the advanced settings.
- Check the box to 'Format the JFFS on next boot'. Reboot the router only once. Make sure you have not Enabled Scripts either at this time.
- After the router has rebooted and you've waited around 5 minutes for the CPU cores to settle, flash the same firmware once again.
- After the router reboots wait again for 5 minutes for the CPU cores to settle.
- Pull the power plug from the router (and not the AC power adaptor from the wall socket). Wait 2 minutes.
- Perform a final WPS NVRAM Erase.
After the router reboots, perform a nominal M&M Config. Do not plug in any USB drives or other devices until after this testing period.
Does the Default OpenVPN server work now? Continue below.
Before plugging in your USB drive, make sure it has been fully formatted to NTFS format in a computer first,
before plugging it into the router.
I would recommend using the amtm Step-by-Step guide to get that USB drive formatted properly as Ext4 with journalling enabled and using amtm set a swap file for the router to use too. Don't forget to set the amtm disk checker utility to verify the health of the drive on each boot up too.
If the OpenVPN server has continued to work with the USB drive + amtm + swap file + disk checker showing okay after a reboot, I would claim 'success'.
If not, there is something else going on that we need to uncover on your network or router setup(s).