Here is what I get with above Firefox config:When I looked at this, it would seem that firefox uses DoH connection to facilitate this. When you run the it shows the DoH as in use. It used to anyway, maybe it has changed.
I'm not clear on how things ended up the last few pages, but on a reboot I have this in the log:
Code:Feb 10 10:57:25 RT-AC87R ( 670 Ending Script Execution Feb 10 10:57:25 RT-AC87R ( 1528 Ending Script Execution
@Adamm This looks familiar doesn't it?I'm not clear on how things ended up the last few pages, but on a reboot I have this in the log:
Code:Feb 10 10:57:25 RT-AC87R ( 670 Ending Script Execution Feb 10 10:57:25 RT-AC87R ( 1528 Ending Script Execution
@Adamm This looks familiar doesn't it?
I can see now that the logging is correct but I still see two entries of each (udp) and (tcp) prerouting. I would think that this is cosmetic and that nothing is wrong except an additional ip tables entry.Its not an issue, its debug print that was badly originally implemented. The reason it never showed up previously was because exit_message() was called so the script never reached the end of the file. The new iptables function did reach the end of the file so during the firewall events this debug print was appearing.
Anyway this has been fixed earlier today.
If Firefox trr is active (via doh port 443 and not dns port 53), it will bypass stubby in any way as it is hardcore by Firefox. So to use stubby and diversion, you need to disable Firefox trr.Question on the new setting that forces all traffic through stubby DNS. Firefox offers the Encrypt SNI feature, when enabled it uses its own DNS resolver. If I force all client DNS requests through Stubby does that really force Firefox to use Cloudflare DNS through Stubby when Network TRR is active? Or do I get a "false positive" (as in circumventing the Stubby) since Firefox is using Cloudfare as well?
Here is how I have configured Firefox:;true
I can see now that the logging is correct but I still see two entries of each (udp) and (tcp) prerouting. I would think that this is cosmetic and that nothing is wrong except an additional ip tables entry.
The only custom scripts I have are manually run. There would be nothing I have made that affects this. I can include the two custom scripts that do not run at startup if you want. Other than that I have what is offered in AMTM installed from there and maintained form there. I have two custom scripts. One I run to unmount both of my usb drives before reboot. This is run only to cause the system to reboot. It has nothing to do with start up as its done it's job. The other is a vpn warning log remover that I run when it is necessary. I have not had to run that little sed -i script in months and it's not running in the background it runs once. That is all I have on this router (AC3100). Yes mathematically it is impossible, but it is real. I can reproduce over and over. Check my signature under this post. That's all I got going. Thanks @Adamm for sticking with this!!Theres no reason that would be caused by the script, every time it runs an iptables add command (-A), it first runs an iptables delete command (-D). Mathematically there can't be more then 1 at a time. Make sure this isn't caused by a custom script or DNSFilter
Thanks, thought I had. But I did again through amtm, fixed the time zone, and rebooted. The log messages aren't there now, and neither are the PREROUTING port forwards in the port forward page.Update to the latest version, the logging has been updated.
The only custom scripts I have are manually run. There would be nothing I have made that affects this. I can include the two custom scripts that do not run at startup if you want. Other than that I have what is offered in AMTM installed from there and maintained form there. I have two custom scripts. One I run to unmount both of my usb drives before reboot. This is run only to cause the system to reboot. It has nothing to do with start up as its done it's job. The other is a vpn warning log remover that I run when it is necessary. I have not had to run that little sed -i script in months and it's not running in the background it runs once. That is all I have on this router (AC3100). Yes mathematically it is impossible, but it is real. I can reproduce over and over. Check my signature under this post. That's all I got going. Thanks @Adamm for sticking with this!!
As I mentioned last night, my scheduled reboot via cron was perfect, everything shutdown and / or unmounted properly. :thumbsup:I can see now that the logging is correct but I still see two entries of each (udp) and (tcp) prerouting. I would think that this is cosmetic and that nothing is wrong except an additional ip tables entry.
Edit Update: Running "service restart_firewall" command clears the prerouting problem and it displays properly. Hmmm!
Feb 10 05:01:01 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/nat-start
Feb 10 05:01:01 ( 1341 Starting Script Execution
Feb 10 05:01:02 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/firewall-start (args: eth0)
Feb 10 05:01:03 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/nat-start
Feb 10 05:01:03 ( 1435 Starting Script Execution
Feb 10 05:01:03 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/pre-mount (args: /dev/sda1 ) - max timeout = 120s
Feb 10 05:01:03 amtm: Running disk check 'e2fsck -p' on /dev/sda1
Feb 10 05:01:03 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/post-mount (args: /tmp/mnt/SNB ) - max timeout = 120s
Feb 10 05:01:03 haveged: haveged starting up
Feb 10 05:01:03 admin: Started haveged from /jffs/scripts/post-mount.
Feb 10 05:01:03 S61stubby: start Stubby DNS over TLS /opt/etc/init.d/S61stubby
Feb 10 05:01:04 haveged: haveged: ver: 1.9.4; arch: generic; vend: ; build: (gcc 7.3.0 CV); collect: 128K
Feb 10 05:01:04 haveged: haveged: cpu: (); data: 32K (P); inst: 32K (P); idx: 18/40; sz: 30888/71320
Feb 10 05:01:04 haveged: haveged: fills: 0, generated: 0
Feb 10 05:01:05 admin: Started stubby from /jffs/scripts/post-mount.
Feb 10 05:01:13 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/nat-start
Feb 10 05:01:13 ( 2312 Starting Script Execution
Feb 10 05:01:13 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/firewall-start (args: eth0)
Feb 10 05:01:14 rc_service: udhcpc 1047:notify_rc start_vpnclient1
Feb 10 05:01:16 ( 1341 Ending Script Execution
Feb 10 05:01:16 ( 2312 Ending Script Execution
Feb 10 05:01:16 ( 1435 Ending Script Execution
Looks we will have to add code to prevent from running the iptables commands concurrently. I have code that does this in @Adamm also has similar lock code in Skynet. I'll defer to him what version he feels comfortable adding to the script due to my recent time constraints.As I mentioned last night, my scheduled reboot via cron was perfect, everything shutdown and / or unmounted properly. :thumbsup:
Here are the relevant stubby lines of the startup (including the scripts that called it) and even though stubby runs three times, I only have two instances, one UDP, one TCP in Port Forwarding. At the end the stubby script shows stopping three times, but no issues with that.
Code:Feb 10 05:01:01 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/nat-start Feb 10 05:01:01 ( 1341 Starting Script Execution Feb 10 05:01:02 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/firewall-start (args: eth0) Feb 10 05:01:03 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/nat-start Feb 10 05:01:03 ( 1435 Starting Script Execution Feb 10 05:01:03 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/pre-mount (args: /dev/sda1 ) - max timeout = 120s Feb 10 05:01:03 amtm: Running disk check 'e2fsck -p' on /dev/sda1 Feb 10 05:01:03 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/post-mount (args: /tmp/mnt/SNB ) - max timeout = 120s Feb 10 05:01:03 haveged: haveged starting up Feb 10 05:01:03 admin: Started haveged from /jffs/scripts/post-mount. Feb 10 05:01:03 S61stubby: start Stubby DNS over TLS /opt/etc/init.d/S61stubby Feb 10 05:01:04 haveged: haveged: ver: 1.9.4; arch: generic; vend: ; build: (gcc 7.3.0 CV); collect: 128K Feb 10 05:01:04 haveged: haveged: cpu: (); data: 32K (P); inst: 32K (P); idx: 18/40; sz: 30888/71320 Feb 10 05:01:04 haveged: haveged: fills: 0, generated: 0 Feb 10 05:01:05 admin: Started stubby from /jffs/scripts/post-mount. Feb 10 05:01:13 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/nat-start Feb 10 05:01:13 ( 2312 Starting Script Execution Feb 10 05:01:13 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/firewall-start (args: eth0) Feb 10 05:01:14 rc_service: udhcpc 1047:notify_rc start_vpnclient1 Feb 10 05:01:16 ( 1341 Ending Script Execution Feb 10 05:01:16 ( 2312 Ending Script Execution Feb 10 05:01:16 ( 1435 Ending Script Execution
# Prevent script from running concurrently when called from nat-start
PROGNAME=$(basename "$0")
lock() {
local prefix=$1
local fd=${2:-$LOCK_FD}
local lock_file=$LOCKFILE_DIR/$prefix.lock
# create lock file
eval "exec $fd>$lock_file"
# acquier the lock
flock -n $fd \
&& return 0 \
|| return 1
error_exit() {
logger -t "($(basename "$0"))" $$ "$error_str"
exit 1
main() {
lock "$PROGNAME" || error_exit "Exiting $PROGNAME. Only one instance of $PROGNAME can run at one time."
I'n not sure we need to do anything else, referencing these posts from @Adamm. I'll let you two work that out, it works with no issues for me at all, and I think @skeal is the only one posting with issues like double PREROUTING entries in Port Forwarding.Looks we will have to add code to prevent from running the iptables commands concurrently. I have code that does this in @Adamm also has similar lock code in Skynet. I'll defer to him what version he feels comfortable adding to the script due to my recent time constraints.
I think that is why I avoided placing the iptables rules in nat-start. From my experience with the netflix-vpn-bypass and other selective routing scripts, nat-start gets called during OpenVPN up/down events.
Here is a sample of the lock code in netflix-vpn-bypass
Code:# Prevent script from running concurrently when called from nat-start PROGNAME=$(basename "$0") LOCKFILE_DIR=/tmp LOCK_FD=200 lock() { local prefix=$1 local fd=${2:-$LOCK_FD} local lock_file=$LOCKFILE_DIR/$prefix.lock # create lock file eval "exec $fd>$lock_file" # acquier the lock flock -n $fd \ && return 0 \ || return 1 } error_exit() { error_str="$@" logger -t "($(basename "$0"))" $$ "$error_str" exit 1 } main() { lock "$PROGNAME" || error_exit "Exiting $PROGNAME. Only one instance of $PROGNAME can run at one time." <snip>
Yes, it is. So @Adamm added code to to throw an error if already set through the GUI.Sorry, I have to ask again exactly.
The second option "Would you like to force all client DNS requests through Stubby" (Question mark missing) is completely the same as in the router GUI:
LAN --> DNSFilter --> Enable DNS-based Filtering (ON) --> Global Filter Mode (Router); (all fields empty)?
# nvram get dnsfilter_enable_x
I'n not sure we need to do anything else, referencing these posts from @Adamm. I'll let you two work that out, it works with no issues for me at all, and I think @skeal is the only one posting with issues like double PREROUTING entries in Port Forwarding.
skynet@RT-AX88U-DC28:/tmp/home/root# iptables -vL PREROUTING -t nat
Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 20308 packets, 2985K bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
31 2542 ACCEPT udp -- any any anywhere anywhere udp dpt:1194
14286 1723K VSERVER all -- any any anywhere *******************
0 0 VSERVER all -- any any anywhere ********
5730 390K DNAT udp -- br0 any anywhere anywhere udp dpt:domain to:
0 0 DNAT tcp -- br0 any anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:domain to:
I can reproduce over and over . Let me know if there is anything I can do to help track this down. I have reset to default, manually configured, added one script at a time. As soon as I add Stubby it happens.I still am also unable to produce duplicate entries, seems to be an isolated issue.
Code:skynet@RT-AX88U-DC28:/tmp/home/root# iptables -vL PREROUTING -t nat Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 20308 packets, 2985K bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 31 2542 ACCEPT udp -- any any anywhere anywhere udp dpt:1194 14286 1723K VSERVER all -- any any anywhere ******************* 0 0 VSERVER all -- any any anywhere ******** 5730 390K DNAT udp -- br0 any anywhere anywhere udp dpt:domain to: 0 0 DNAT tcp -- br0 any anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:domain to:
Feb 10 16:54:07 Entware (armv7sf-k2.6): Started pixelserv-tls (Diversion) from /jffs/scripts/post-mount
Feb 10 16:54:07 Diversion: started Entware services, from /jffs/scripts/post-mount
Feb 10 16:54:07 rc_service: service 4511:notify_rc restart_dnsmasq
Feb 10 16:54:07 dnsmasq[297]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
Feb 10 16:54:07 pixelserv-tls[4503]: pixelserv-tls 2.2.1 (compiled: Dec 29 2018 15:01:03 flags: tls1_3) options: 192.168.xx.4
Feb 10 16:54:08 custom_config: Appending content of /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add.
Feb 10 16:54:08 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/dnsmasq.postconf (args: /etc/dnsmasq.conf ) - max timeout = 120s
Feb 10 22:54:08 haveged: haveged: ver: 1.9.4; arch: generic; vend: ; build: (gcc 7.3.0 CV); collect: 128K
Feb 10 22:54:08 haveged: haveged: cpu: (); data: 32K (P); inst: 32K (P); idx: 18/40; sz: 31104/71972
Feb 10 22:54:08 haveged: haveged: fills: 0, generated: 0
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